Thursday, January 23, 2014

Finally Finding Hope

On January 25th, I will have been home from my LDS mission for exactly 3 years! It's crazy to think about all that has happened in that time, but what's even more incredible to me is the wonderful opportunities and powerful awakenings I've been given since then. At the beginning of my mission, while still in the Missionary Training Center, I remember spending a lot of time trying to understand Hope.

We talk a lot about hope and how important it is for true happiness. The scriptures remind us again and again that faith, hope and charity bring salvation, but what is hope? For so long and based on how people explained it, it seemed like the same thing as faith - a belief in something that you can't see but you trust in. This week on the trail, as I pondered on the YoungWalkers that I get to work with and help them prepare to go home and face their trials again I though a lot about hope and had an awakening that has changed my understanding and my walking.

Faith is based on the past, charity is based on the present, and hope is based on the future. We have faith in something because all our previous experience with that thing tells us that it will work out. We know the sun will rise in the morning because it always has before. Charity is love for the people we are surrounded by and taking the time to love and serve them, even when it's inconvenient or uncomfortable. While hope is believing in something regardless of past experience or in spite of where we are now. I have hope that I will be able to be with my family for eternity even though I have no experience in that area and mortal reason would say that is preposterous.

Hope is essential for happiness because it allows us to know that, even though we have made a mess of things in the past and although we've struggled with something numerous times, we can trust that one day all that will be in our past and we will struggle with it no more. We can trust that the Creator will help us become better and we will overcome our weaknesses even though they have defeated us so many times.

Hope will get us through the hardest times and allow us to continue walking forward in the storms of life. Without it - everything is more diffiicult; with it - anything is possible.