Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Beginnings

Occasionally the creator let's us try again at something that we struggled with the first time. I find that in my life, I oscillate between feeling strong/confident/able and weak/insecure/incapable. Sometimes I spend a long time in one or the other, but the good news is, the Lord never lets me stay down for long. It's a long climb back up from weakness and magnified imperfection, but the ascent is what builds my strengths so I can reach new heights and continually grow.

I've recently been pondering on this process and the fact that it's never too late for a new beginning. I have a good friend who came through the Anasazi program this last summer. They did very well, and we were all so proud to see the new person they became and how strong they were when it was time to go home. Then, a few weeks ago, I received a message from this person that they had fallen and were coming back to Anasazi for another round. Fortunately, it was my week to help with new-intakes so I was able to be there for this friend as they came back and started again. This individual really struggled with forgiving themselves. They saw coming back as a sign that they failed and weren't worth a second chance. How grateful I am that this isn't true. We've all had those experiences where we are born again and are determined to never fall into our old ways again. However, Satan knows our weaknesses and he's not going to relent if he thinks there's a chance of bringing us down. But the Savior of the world knows how to descend below all things and lift us up. His very glory and joy comes from helping us wipe off the dust and stand again.

I am so imperfect, it's ridiculous. I don't know how God can see my infinite potential through all the mistakes I make on an hourly basis. But he does and he is stronger than anything in this world. So, when we let his will be our guide, there is nothing that can stop us. We are all children of a Heavenly Father who loves us and there is no depth too deep for the enabling and healing powers of the atonement. I'm so grateful that I can repent as many times as I need to get it right. Here at Anasazi we read something called The Seven Paths (it's like the scriptures, but in Native American wording). At one point in the story, the main character tells of a dream where he met the Savior, "I then awoke desiring to step anew. If I was to more forward, I needed to leave all that was backward behind. I did that day and have had to repeat the offering many times since." We don't run out of new beginnings. We can't ever stop being born again. If we stop then we limit ourselves for all eternity, but if we continue to forgive ourselves and make things right with God, we open the doors to eternal happiness for us and those we love.

So, at this special time of year as we ponder on God's gift to the World of his Beloved Son and his Son's gift to us of the saving atonement I join the many voices that have come before mine and those still to come - that he lives and loves us. The Savior of the World is willing to give us blessings without end if we will simply give our hearts to him and let him help us have a new beginning. So here's to a new beginning today and many to come!

Merry Christmas!

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