Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Learning to Wait

*Sorry I have been remiss in my posts recently. When it comes down to either writing about my adventures or going out and having more, the latter generally wins. But I have at least a half-dozen posts started and will be better at finishing/sharing them.

The Creator has spent many years teaching me to get off my duff, on my feet and do something. I’m sure it’s been very difficult for him, but he’s been patient and has lovingly guided my heart to be proactive. Now, He’s teaching me Faith in Action Part II – waiting.

A couple months ago, I was in an accident going to the trail. I was the leader and the one who had to figure out the situation and make the call on what we would do. We were about halfway between town and the bands and couldn’t decide whether it would be better to go back and, get in touch with the office and get help or walk towards the bands and hope we made it in time. Normally we have communication materials to help us contact each end of the route, but there had been several mix-ups and misunderstandings that morning and all we had was my cell phone. Unfortunately, we were too far out for me to have much reception, but after sending word in several different forms to my leaders, we went back to the car and I suggested the visitors do a ponderings camp while we sat there waiting for help. They could take a few minutes, meditate, pray, and prepare themselves for the unique opportunities that awaited them on the trail. I however, was struggling to sit. I’d grown so used to jumping into go-mode that I felt lost unless I was working toward my destination.

As I began a plea to the Creator to send help or tell me what to do next I received this instead. “Alicia,” he said, “You have done all you can. You have worked hard and done your very best. That’s all you ask of anyone else, and that’s all I ask of you. Now, I need to you be still and let me do my part. I promise I am taking care of you.”

What do you do when you can’t do anything? Trust – in the Lord, in your efforts, and in the lessons you will gain because of your experiences. He is in it. He is in charge and He wants nothing but good things for us.

As my walking continues to change, I still get ahead of myself sometimes. I want to hurry to the finish line and know what the Lord wants for me. (*Patience – especially with life – has never been my strongest suit) But it’s not a race, and there is no Final Destination. There’s only today and what I can do with the present. And once I’ve done all I can, I need to be still and see the Creator’s hand in all things. I’m learning how to wait with the Lord. 

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